TECAT mounted the WISER sensor to a propeller extension on the Relentless NXT to enable, for the first time, direct measurement of live torque on an airplane in flight.
At TECAT, we like a challenge. Having demonstrated the capabilities of our WISER wireless sensor in automotive, industrial, and energy applications, we decided this year to turn our attention to aviation, and in particular the needs of people building or maintaining combustion-powered experimental aircraft.
To test the capabilities of the WISER system, in a real-world setting, TECAT enlisted the help of Kevin Eldredge, who owns and flies the Relentless NXT, a Reno Sport Class racing airplane that easily exceeds 300 mph. Kevin agreed to allow TECAT to mount the WISER system to a propeller extension on the Relentless NXT to enable, for the first time, direct measurement of live torque on an airplane in flight.
Preliminary results have confirmed that the WISER system can measure torque and horsepower in flight with extraordinarily high resolution, given that the WISER system, collects upwards of 40 datapoints with each revolution of the propeller. Our founder Dr. Doug Baker will be sharing more results from this flight test in the next few weeks. To be among the first to read the next round of results, please sign up here: bit.ly/aircraft-wireless-sensor