WISER  Technical Data 

WISER 8000: Instrument Grade Data Sensor
The TECAT WISER Model 8000 dual strain measurement and monitoring system is a wireless data acquisition system for measuring two external strain channels at high data rates up to 8kHz. The small, light, power-efficient, and non-invasive design enables strain measurements in a wide range of applications. With dual external sensor inputs two Micro-Measurements strain gauge bridges can be measured by a single system, for example to measure both thrust and torque loads simultaneously.
The Model 8000 has a long range data transmission of >1,000 meters with up to +/- 0.025% FSR sensitivity for remote measurements. After initial setup using the WISER software interface, the system can be wired directly to your DAQ system, for seamless data collection.

TECAT Performance Systems is taking orders for the WISER 8000.  Visit our CONNECT PAGE to request a formal quotation

WISER 8000 Product Brochure PDF


